Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Adolescents

Admin/ September 26, 2024/ Uncategorized

Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Adolescents

7 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Teens 

1. Get plenty of sleep. 

• Getting enough sleep is so important for growing bodies and minds. It sounds simple but the ‘body clock’ of teens naturally keeps them up later at night and wants them to sleep in more in the morning.   Make sure your teen gets 8-10hrs sleep each night to reduce anxiety levels, clean out toxins that build up in your brain, and reduce risky or emotional decisions.  Some simple tips include – create a cool and calming sleep environment, use your desk as a work area (not your bed) and limit sugary foods and electronic equipment close to bedtime. 

2. Have a passion and practice it regularly! 

• Find a healthy interest you get excited about – whether sport, hobby or other activity – and add it into your schedule. Set yourself some short- and long-term goals and go for it! 

3. Eat a well-balanced diet. 

• Our brain needs a lot of energy to function. 20% of the nutrients we eat are used by our brain as energy. If some unhealthy food habits have started, it’s not too late! Start simple and do some research on areas you can improve like – drinking more water, reducing processed foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, staying away from saturated fats, and added sugar! You can also visit a dietitian or nutritionist for extra help getting the balance right! 

4. Exercise regularly. 

• Make a conscious decision to be active and get moving every day! Did you know that 9 in 10 young people in Australia don’t move enough. Studies show exercise is an effective treatment for feelings of anxiety and depression, it can help reduce risk of diseases, increases concentration and confidence, and reduces aggression! Whether you can set a realistic goal like 10000 steps per day or choose an activity that you enjoy, plan out your week to ensure exercise is one of your main priorities. 


5. Find a Balance and Plan your week! 

It’s easy during the teen years to let your social life take over, but you may regret that later on! Work with your family and friends to find a weekly schedule that works for all important areas of your life to include – schoolwork, extra-curricular activities, your passion, exercise, family time, social time with friends and possibly a part time job. This balance will reduce the chance of stress and anxiety and ensure you are looking after all the important areas of your life. 


6. Learn how to manage stress. 

Find an activity that soothes you and clears your mind, and practice it daily! Whether it’s sitting quietly in peace, doing some yoga or pilates or listening to music, it’s so important to deal to any negativity or issues and open your mind to a new day. 

7. Listen to your Mind and Body 

During the teen years your body and mind undergo major changes, so it’s important to know what feels ‘normal’ in your body and mind, listen to any changes, understand what you can and can’t control, and make positive steps to stay healthy and happy! If you feel something is getting on top of you or something just isn’t right, speak to you parents, friends or teachers as soon as possible and make some changes for the better. 

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